The MediaWizards Forum for Umbraco

Hi there,

Welcome to my Umbraco test site.

My name is Huw, I am a senior developer at Cantata, I have been writing code and fiddling around with computers since the early 1980's.

I am one of the developers and owners of the classic ASP forum 'Snitz™ Forums 2000', I joined the community back in 2000 as a simple member but soon became one of the developers and subsequently owners. Originally built a classic ASP forum (there are still websites running that version it today), it has since been ported to .Net MVC.

When members of the Umbraco community were asking about the availability of a simple Forum package for Umbraco 8, I thought I would give it a go, I had been using Umbraco for about 18 months to create customer portals for some of our clients so had a reasonable understanding of Umbraco development at the time. Roll forward and  Umbraco now uses .Net Core so this was my testbed to migrate the forum package.

It only has a very basic layout, my first goal was to get the Forums working in Umbraco 9 and .Net core. Well, it is a little rough around the edges, but in principal it is all working I think. 

To check out the forums, click the Forums link in the menu above.


The Forums were installed here using my latest test NuGet package.

Installed Packages

Latest update 4 Aug 2023

Nuget Package v10.6.0 released.

Latest from the Grimoire

In this article I will explain how to configure the TinyMCE rich text editor in Umbraco v14

This is my dive into the new Umbraco 14 backoffice to create a Member EntityAction in order to send an email to the selected member.

Previously known as Tree Actions, Entity Actions is a feature that provides a generic place for secondary or additional functionality for an entity type. An entity type can be a media, document and so on.

In this blog post I explain how to implement an email validation flow for Member registration.